“The sense of smell is the hair-trigger of memory.”

Mary Stewart

Home Decor & Body Care

Home Decor & Body Care

BOTD Scents

It has been scientifically proven smell is the strongest connection to an emotion and/or a memory because odours take a direct route to the brain regions related to emotion and memory.

This means if we want to “relive” our memories vividly, all we need to do is to “smell” it again.

Considering the above, we decided to name our candle scents “blissful moments” (e.g. “me time” and “spa day”) and things that bring bliss (e.g. “fresh laundry” and “picnic”). We hope when you light our candles, the scent will reminisce your blissful memories.

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4007, 188 Connaught Road W, Hong Kong